Paw Patrol
What is Paw Patrol?
Paw Patrol members will work to support yard supervisors on reinforcing recess expectations to ensure our Cheetahs are making Good Decisions, Solving Problems, and Showing Respect during recess.
Paw Patrol will help to ensure that all students are:
Utilizing the play structures correctly.
Playing games such as Switch, Four Square, and Wall Ball in alignment with how they were taught at NSE.
Using recess equipment properly and putting it away correctly at the end of recess.
Who Can Apply?
4th and 5th grade students who have teacher and parent approval to apply.
How Do I Apply?
4th and 5th grade students viewed a presentation in their class on either Thursday or Friday. Students interested should ask their classroom teacher for an application. Applications must be completed, and signed by a parent/guardian. All applications are due on or before Tuesday, Septmeber 17th. No late applications will be accepted.
All students who are interested in joining Paw Patrol MUST attend a mandatory meeting on Tuesday, September 17th from 2:45 p.m.-3:30 p.m. in Room #11. Students will be notified on Friday September 20th if they were chosen to be part of our 2024-2025 Paw Patrol Team.