Arrival/Dismissal Procedures
There are three main areas for drop off and pick up:
Parents of kindergarten and preschool students: Park on Turn Pike Drive and walk your child to the front entrance adjacent to the administration building and next to the kindergarten building.
Parents of students in grades 1-5: Park on Natoma Station Drive and have your student enter through the gate adjacent to the blacktop/field.
Parents of students in grades 1-5: Use the Hug N'Go Lane on Ashcat Way.
4th and 5th grade families- consider using the Natoma Station Drive gate adjacent to the field for drop off/pick up. This will alleviate congestion on Ashcat Way.
Consider carpool options and walking to school if possible to reduce unnecessary traffic and congestion.
Hug N’Go Lane - Pick Up and Drop Off Guidelines:
The Hug N'Go Lane (yellow curb) is for loading/unloading only. Do NOT get out of your vehicle or leave your vehicle unattended at the curb. If you need to exit your vehicle to assist your child, park and then walk your child to the gate or use the Natoma Station Drive pick up and drop off location.
Students must exit the vehicle on the passenger side only. Do NOT allow students to get in/out on the driver's side, as other vehicles will be passing on that side.
Parents may NOT exit their vehicle at any time while in the Hug N'Go Lane. If you child requires one-on-one assistance to exit or enter a vehicle, you will need to park your vehicle on the street and safely walk your child.
Make sure your child is ready to hop out quickly and go directly to class (e.g., shoes on, coat on, backpack ready, etc)
If you park your car on Ashcat Way, please go to the crosswalk on the corder of Ashcat Way and Turn Pike Drive to cross the street. Do NOT cross into the Hug N'Go Lane.
Do NOT bypass vehicles in the Hug N'Go Lane by exiting between the safety cones.
Do NOT use your cell phone while in the Hug N'Go Lane.
If the Hug N'Go Lane tyraffic is backed up on Ashcat Way, please wait patiently.
Please refrain from making a u-turn on Ashcat Way.
DRIVE SLOWLY!!!!! Please keep your speed below 5 mph!
Natoma Station Drive Drop Off /Pick Up Guidelines:
Students must exit/enter the vehicle on the passenger side only. Do NOT allow students to get in/out on the driver's side, as other vehicles will be passing on that side.
DRIVE SLOWLY!!! Please keep your speed below 5 mph!
Additional Safety Precautions:
Never pull into or park in the RED roundabout in front of the office to drop off a late student or to come to the office. This roundabout is reserved for school buses, daycare buses, and emergency vehicles only.
If you need to sign your student in/out of the office or drop off an item, you will need to park in the assigned visitor parking spaces in front of the office on Turn Pike Drive.
Please do not park in reserved STAFF parking spots.
Please be respectful and kind to one another, and remember that SAFETY and efficiency are the ultimate goals. Exercise patience and kindness- your kids are watching! Thank you!
Additional Information:
Drop off times: unless students are eating breakfast at school, do NOT drop students off more than 15 minutes prior to the start of school as there is no supervision available prior to those times. Supervision begins at 8:00 AM and breakfast is served from 7:45 - 8:10 AM
Students go directly to the blacktop for walking club prior to school starting (no one goes to classrooms or waits in the hallways - unless it is raining outside, then students will wait under the eaves in front of their classroom). When the warning bell at 8:12 AM rings, students are expected to line up a their assigned class spot on the blacktop. Instruction begins at 8:15 AM
Please pick students up within 10 minutes of the end of school.
The average time for drop off and pick up clearance ranges from 6-8 minutes. Please be patient.
Please follow the instructions of school staff and yard supervisors.
Our number one goal is to keep our students SAFE! THANK YOU!