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Where the Money Goes

With membership fees and fundraising efforts, we have been able to:

  • Host well-loved events like Trunk or Treat, Family movie nights and a Pancake Breakfast.
  • Give all teachers enrichment money
  • Purchase180 books from Barnes & Noble, including 2 class sets (all books divided between all classes!)
  • Fund a huge paper shipment
  • STEAM night food
  • Purchase banners to hang outside the school to get information out to more families
  • Provide field trip scholarships
  • Purchase movie licensing
  • Purchase cheetah champ prizes

As for what's still on the docket: Teachers have requested materials to help better focus on Professional Learning Communities which enables teachers to work collaboratively to better meet the individual needs of students - small whiteboards, tables for small group work, CD player and headphones for listening center.  These things are all discussed and voted on at PTO meetings.