FCLA Presentation Given at FCUSD Board Meeting 11/4/201
At the Board Meeting on 11/4/21, some of our NSE Cheetahs gave a presentation titled, SEL: A Bridge to Educational Equity. The presentation showcases our school and the approaches we use to support our students. Those highlighting NSE were:
COURTNEY MORALES - Culture & Climate Facilitator
KRISTINA CAMERON - Culture & Climate Facilitator
BRYNN HERMSMEIER - Student Council President
MARC DIONISIO - Student Council Recording Secretary
GRACE STUCKERT - Student Council Corresponding Secretary
NYA BELL & ABIGAIL WEBSTER - New Students to Natoma Station
Our student representatives did an amazing job. Be sure to watch the video!
(It begins around the 23:48 minute mark.)
If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may download the document.