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NSE School Forms

Prescription Asthma Medication Form

Parent Release for Non-Prescriptive Over-the-Counter Medication

Please print out this form (two pages) if your child plans to take any over-the-counter medication. This form is required if your child needs to take the medication while at school or on a school function such as a field trip.   Your child will not be allowed to take any over-the-counter medication without this form completed and signed by a parent.   If your child takes Prescriptive Medication, you will need to print out, and complete the yellow Parent/Physician Release for Medication in School form. 

Parent/Physician Release for Medication in School or on a Field Trip

Please print out this form (two pages) if your child takes prescription medication. This form is required if your child needs to take the medication while at school or on a school function such as a field trip.   This form MUST be signed by a physician, so please complete this form in time to have your child's physician sign it.